Independent Financial Consultant Alessandro Busnelli

Graduated in Economics at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan with Honours .
Independent financial consultant since 2005.
Associated with Nafop (National Association Fee Only Planners).
Enrolled in the Single Register of Financial Advisors in the section of Independent Financial Advisors with OCF resolution no. 964 of 04/12/2018.
Specializes in advising bond portfolios that are managed dynamically and equity portfolios managed with more aggressive short-medium term trading strategy.
He is the inventor of a new intraday trading method, “Busnelli lines”, based on the integrated analysis of key price levels and constant movements.
His methods are characterized by the minimization of risk.
He collaborates as professor and speaker with the main Italian and international brokers: Fineco, We Bank, IW Bank, Banca Sella, Binck Bank, Activtrades.
He collaborated with Traderlink and Trend-online.


Speaker in fairs and congresses about investments and online trading:

Investment & Trading Forum May 2014
“The most effective techniques in intraday trading”.

Trading Online Expo – Borsa Italiana October 2014
“The most effective techniques in intraday trading”.

Trading Online Expo – Borsa Italiana October 2015
“Investing in stock markets while keeping your assets away from risk. Seize the opportunities given by Over The Counter bonds”.



Binck TV June 2015: High yield bonds

Radio24 (Radio of Il sole 24 ore) June 2016: Corporate bonds

Course on financial education at the Order of Journalists of Lombardy in collaboration with Deputy Director General of Consob July 2018

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